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Quit Now Cold Laser Therapy

Laser therapy has been used for over 30 years to help thousands of people worldwide to quit smoking. It is a safe and effective treatment used to quit smoking that holds a 94% success rate!

The cold laser stimulates acupuncture points on your face, ears, hands and wrist to signal the brain to produce large amounts of endorphins in the body which removes most if not all of the physical cravings. There are receptors in our brain that hold endorphins(feel good hormones) nicotine mimicks these hormones. Nicotine fills these receptors, these receptors need to be full in order for us to feel good. The body can not produce nicotine so the receptors drain out the body begins to send physical messages that the receptors are empty, this is the physical craving. Once nicotine is brought back into the body we begin to feel good again this creating the cycle of dependence on nicotine. To break this cycle, the receptors need to be filled again with endorphins and the body will naturally keep them filled as long as no nicotine is introduced back into the body. The endorphins continue to fill the receptors of the next 24-72 hours.

If nicotine is supplied to the body again, the cycle restarts and the nicotine overtakes the naturally produced endorphins.

Laser Therapy Success Rate is  85 – 94% and your package will address all three parts of the addiction:

  • Physical – Laser/electronic stimulation of acupuncture points on the ears, nose, fingers and wrists to increase endorphin levels, relax and minimize or eliminate cravings.

  • Psychological – print outs/handouts, tips, tools and one on one coaching. Stress Reduction techniques and energy work sessions are available in your package to support you on your non smoking journey

  • Detoxification – eliminating the 4,700 dangerous, toxic, chemical poisons that you got from inhaling the burning poisons on an average of 200 times per day.  Foods, exercise, essential oils and different tips to support the detoxification process

Step one – the physical part of the addiction

Cold Laser therapy helps with the physical part of the addiction by stimulating key neuro-chemical pathways on the ears, nose, fingers and wrists, the pituitary and the hypothalamus (acupuncture points) with a soft laser and electronic stimulation.


This  stimulation sends a signal to your brain to produce large amounts of feel good, pain relieving chemicals called endorphin’s which alleviate most, if not all, of the cravings for nicotine.


The stimulation from the laser treatment builds up from 12 to 24 hours, levels off, and slowly dissipates over a period of 4 to 6 weeks. This opens a big window for you when cravings are minimized or non-existent and you feel really good about yourself. Most clients say to us “if they can just get an edge on this addiction, they will have it beat”.

Well how about a 4 to 6-week edge where you have a huge surge of endorphin’s and those cravings are minimized or non-existent?

  • Was that a craving I just had?

Step two – The psychological part of the addiction

During your appointment trained technicians will provide you with the tools and techniques required to deal with the psychological issues such as

  • What do I do now that I don’t smoke?

  • What about after dinner?

  • What do I do when I have my morning coffee?

  • What happens if I have a glass of wine or a beer?

  • What happens if I am with my smoking friends?

  • Along with affirmations and new ways of thinking to replace your old "I need a cigarette thought programming"


Step three –  Detoxification

You will be provided with a simple detox formula helping to insure your success.

The list consists of some of the world’s most powerful, super, natural detox supplements, as well as, all important anti-oxidants that will help you eliminate the 4,700 plus dangerous, toxic, chemical poisons found in cigarettes from your body.

How many treatments will you need?

Most people only need 1 treatment (85%) a few people require an additional boost 10% and very few require more than 2 treatments 5%

This Services is  covered by your extended health benefits packages, Direct Billing is available for Blue Cross Providers


Your BASIC Package will include:

Your consultation ( which is FREE if you choose not to continue with the program)

Your First Full ONE HOUR Laser Treatment with further consultation for Post treatment, psychological tips and tricks and techniques, Stress reduction breathing techniques, and hand outs

2 -30 minute booster Laser treatments if you need more assistance to kick the cravings within a one Year

 Follow up appointment

This Package is $400 plus tax

or Friends and Family offer, Quit together regardless of the number of people and everyone saves $100 each ( $300 per person, plus tax)


The EXTENDED Package includes:

Your consultation ( which is FREE if you choose not to continue with the program)

Your First Full ONE HOUR Laser Treatment with further consultation for Post treatment, psychological tips and tricks and techniques, Stress reduction breathing techniques, and hand outs


3- 30 minute booster treatments for a full year

One stress reduction therapy (Reiki or Reflexology) to assist in the stress reduction and body repair

15 minute on call support

 Follow up appointment

This package is $500 plus tax



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